Hey everyone!
I know it's been a while, but we've been really busy here at the station!
First of all, I'd just like to point out that I LOVE CHAPLEAU! I had an amazing time up there during the Annual Northern Pike Ice Fishing derby, and I'd like to personally thank Bill, Barbara, Rick, Lorraine, Roger, and everyone else who helped to make the event successful. Thanks for making me feel so welcome. Chapleau really is the friendliest town in the North (and as a Wawaite that's dangerous for me to say. lol).
If you managed to catch the NHL All Stars Alumni Hockey game, you already know it was fun all around! The Wawa All Stars managed to pull out the win 6-5... but it was a close one! They really gave the Toronto Maple Leaf Alum a run for their money!
Get your fishing gear ready, and we'll see you in Wawa this weekend for the 2007 Ice Fishing Derby. Once again JJAM FM will be keeping you up to date on all the happenings throughout the derby weekend. I get to put on my snowsuit again and buzz around the lake talking to as many participants as I can who aren't phone shy :P, and I'll be in the arena with updates as well.
We've got a couple new things happening around JJAM, next week we're going to give away 2 NHL Alum autographed hockey sticks from Canadian Tire. And we've teamed up with Canadian Tire to bring you the "FISH ON" prize pack. Just listen for the sound of the rod and reel for your chance to win $250 in fishing gear and supplies on March 23rd.
I think that about brings us up to date. :D I promise I won't neglect you any more! And just to make it up to you, I'll post some pictures from my time in Chapleau! Enjoy!